These include motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy, and couples therapy. These evidence-based treatments and several others, typically take time and commitment on the part of the person with the addiction but are generally helpful. Consulting an addiction professional, such as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, a social worker, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or an interventionist, can help you organize an effective intervention. An addiction professional will take into account your loved one’s particular circumstances, suggest the best approach, and help guide you in what type of treatment and follow-up plan is likely to work best. It sometimes involves a member of your loved one’s faith or others who care about the person struggling with addiction. After the initial treatment program, the employee may be in follow-up counseling and treatment for an extended period of time, possibly up to a year.

If the employee is disruptive to the workplace, you should remove him or her from the immediate worksite. This may involve taking the employee home or at least taking him or her to the health unit, the EAP office, or some other safe location. An employee who is physically resisting should be dealt with by agency security or local police. It would be appropriate to consider having a family member take the employee home. There could be some serious liability issues involved here so it is important to consult with Human Resources, Employee Relations, and the legal counsel’s office.

How do alcohol use disorders affect people?

When the employee has completed any treatment requiring extended absence and is ready to return to work, it is a good practice to have a back-to-work conference. This back-to-work conference can help explain what has gone on in treatment, what the employee’s treatment schedule looks like, and any needed changes in work such as travel schedules or closer supervision. Sometimes the employee will not accept the referral to the EAP or will deny the existence of a problem. If this happens, it is important to continue to document any problems and to take any necessary disciplinary action. It is not unusual to have additional meetings with the employee and to make additional referrals. The employee is in “denial” at this point and does not see that he or she has a problem.

But the prospects for successful long-term problem resolution are good for people who seek help from appropriate sources. Even after formal treatment ends, many people seek additional support through continued involvement in such groups. Professional intervention is not an option for every family and every situation. The decision to choose the intervention path is one that should be made carefully and with the advice of an experienced counselor. Evidence indicates that CRAFT is effective for helping CSOs in terms of treatment engagement.

An Ongoing Process

When intervening with an alcoholic, each family member or friend describes how the drinking has impacted him or her. Participants also have the opportunity to express their feelings and set their boundaries moving forward in the future. how to do an intervention for an alcoholic Based on clinical experience, many health providers believe that support from friends and family members is important in overcoming alcohol problems. But friends and family may feel unsure about how best to provide the support needed.

Nor does the absence of family drinking problems necessarily protect children from developing these problems. For many people, drinking alcohol is nothing more than a pleasant way to relax. People with alcohol use disorders, however, drink to excess, endangering both themselves and others.

What if your loved one refuses to enter treatment?

” You may be frustrated, but accusations aren’t likely to make the person change their behavior. Giving examples of specific concerns you have will reduce the opportunity for argument. Making a vague statement like “I’m concerned about your drinking” leaves the person the opportunity to argue that their drinking isn’t really a problem. Stating something specific like “It concerns me that you drink a 12-pack every night and then cannot get to work on time in the morning” doesn’t leave much room for argument. Knowing how to talk to a person with alcohol use disorder requires some preparation.

  • All of the intervention team should write letters or take notes that they can use to ensure they make all of their relevant points during the meeting.
  • CDC is working to make alcohol SBI a routine part of health care in primary care settings.
  • Instead, they may measure their success by how well they follow through with statements and boundaries voiced during and after the intervention.
  • Be open to the possibility that the person may not completely agree with your viewpoints.
  • Denial and victimhood are two of the primary obstacles to a successful intervention, and professional interventionists are specifically trained to address these areas.

The employee may also be absent from his or her duty station without explanation or permission for significant periods of time. All of the intervention team should write letters or take notes that they can use to ensure they make all of their relevant points during the meeting. The goal of an intervention is to motivate an addict toward treatment. Although an intervention may not affect how well the treatment itself will work, it is a valuable start. Intervention is a word frequently used by people, but they’re unsure of what it really is or what happens in an intervention. The following answers “what is an intervention,” and outlines what happens.

Human Resources, or Employee Relations Program

Relatives, friends and strangers can be injured or killed in alcohol-related accidents and assaults. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism can worsen existing conditions such as depression or induce new problems such as serious memory loss, depression or anxiety. The process of becoming aware that their behavior is harming them and the people around them is an important step toward recovery, and the first step through the stages of change from pre-contemplation to contemplation. Make sure to find out in advance whether your loved one’s insurance plan will cover treatment as well as what steps are required for admission, such as a referral from a primary care provider. You’ll want to present your loved one with some detailed suggestions for treatment, so you’ll need to do your research ahead of time.

A poorly planned intervention can worsen the situation — your loved one may feel attacked and become isolated or more resistant to treatment. Societal factors include level of economic development, culture, social norms, availability of alcohol, and implementation and enforcement of alcohol policies. Adverse health impacts and social harm from a given level and pattern of drinking are greater for poorer societies. Blaming the person for their problems will likely cause them to shut down and refuse to listen to what you have to say. Avoid making accusations like, “You’re so irresponsible” or “All you care about is drinking!